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There is no sound, no voice, even no fall of leaves
Anywhere. This tune only blows within the fathomless
Depth of heart day and night without any interval
As if it were the silent sky or a dumb vast desert
Or the waves of moonlight engulfing the horizon.

Where language loses its motion,
Where two eyes colliding with the blackhole
Come back again and again,
Where the brain finds no path to walk
In the world of thought,
Where civilization halts abruptly
Which way a bicycle-driver coming unknowingly
At the edge of a deep ditch brakes hard;
There dances this tune like a pea-cock,
Runs in pleasure like a deer
And flies like an eagle.

The limitless tune of Your beauty
Has surrounded me.
That’s why, no sound touches me anymore.
The infinite eternity of You and Your tune of perfection
Have kept my world mesmerized.
That’s why, no sound touches me anymore.
Crossing the triviality of Age
And crossing the Present and the Past,
I hear within my soul the endless tune of Your beauty.

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