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She: 1

She looks fine when she laughs.
She looks fine when she weeps.
She looks fine when she becomes angry.

Sayeed, which way you watch the Moon,
The Moon always remains the Moon;
The Moon will never look ugly.

She: 2
She was like flowers or flowers were like her.
She was like rivers or rivers like her.
She was like stars or stars like her.

If she cried, she seemed a cloud falling down with rain.
If she smiled, it seemed one-sky-moonlight
Had engulfed the whole earth.

Borrowing eyes from pea-cocks, she used to stare at me
Or borrowing eyes from her, the pea-cocks used to stare.
She used to stare at me keeping the Bay of Bengal into her eyes
Or the Bay of Bengal used to stare borrowing her two eyes.

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Skeleton, Body And Soul