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Did we want such a world where there is no
Cultivation of flowers, people die from
Hunger which way fishes die if kept on
Soil, for want of medicine women and
Babies fall down on the lap of Death while
The war-mongers are investing million
Million dollars in weapons-factories?
Which peace in killing men, in whom there lie
Hearts and river like love, who cry in pain
And laugh in small happiness? How will be
The earth without men? How will be your nights
Without the companions to love? Without
The touch of soft hands of child, how will be
The mornings and the evenings? How will be
Everyday life without the affection
Of your father? The mother who waters
Your path with prayers and tears, how will be
Your life without her? O Man, who do you
Kill throwing bombs from the sky? Who do you
Kill throwing the long-range missiles? Your eyes
Have got rusty; so seeing men, you mistake
To recognize them as Hindus-Muslims-
Christians-Buddhists and Jains. But you always
Recognize cows as cows and goats as goats;
You only mistake to recognize men.

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Your Earth Run By Robbers