Reading Time: < 1 minute


Going to slaughter Death like a bull
Felling it on the ground
Binding tightly its four legs,
We have made our earth full of deaths more.
Going to uproot the shrubs of weeds,
We have filled our life with more weeds.
Going to destroy the darkness with all its roots,
We have fallen down slipping into the darkest ditch.

Our wisdom is now eating up our whole body
Pecking at all limbs like a vulture.
All our books and idle times of our laboratories
Are biting our soul and existence
Raising their hoods like a cobra.
We do not know where we have reached
Running like a bull tearing its rope.
Our science and technology are pouring
Black heat upon our skulls.

Our dull eyes are getting overturned again and again
Like an unhappy housewife hanging herself
With a ceiling fan. Even the eyes of our heart
Are growing feeble and inactive
Getting fade everyday.

Spitting upon all rotten knowledge,
Wit, welfare and blessing;
Spitting upon our democracy twinging
Like a septic boil; and spitting upon
All our destructive inventions,
We are eagerly waiting like swallows,
Like the thirsty fishes of a dry pond
Or like the cracked fields of Summer-
If it rains!
If peace descends!
If the last white pigeon comes
Flying from the distant sky-civilization
Out of this sky engulfed with bombing planes,
Carrying the message of peace!

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The Ism Of Life
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The More My Heart Tries