Reading Time: < 1 minute


When everything is covered with mask-
There is no ruler within a ruler,
That is why, tyranny like a venomous snake
Is snapping;
There is no judge within a judge, no police
Within a police, no soldier within a soldier-
That is why, justice, discipline, peace,
Motherland and freedom are at stake.

People are crying world-wide, people’s
Cry and lamentation have filled the earth of God
When the vicious Satan wearing the mask of Man
Is controlling the civilization;
Satan in the guise of Man is killing Man
Applying the poison of lie, deception and conspiracy.

The words of Dictionary have lost their meanings;
That is why, in shame Truth hides its face
Behind the curtain of Lie;
Justice taking the shape of Injustice shows its ugliness;
Love becoming Deception pierces our hearts with knife;
Many years back, Democracy has turned into a united autocracy.

Where will Man flee from the oppression of Man?
It seems Man is safer among snakes, sharks,
Crocodiles or even among tigers;
Only he has no safety from Man!

When a child is not safe from a mother,
When natives are not safe from the motherland,
When life is not safe from water,
When respiration is not safe from air-
At that time, which poem do you tell me to compose?
Rather, tell me to steal the trumpet of Israfil
And standing on the middle of this fraud civilization
To blow into that trumpet to declare the doomsday.

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