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O brother, who are you
scouring the sky and the earth
for the Lord of the world?

Who are you
wandering through the wilderness
and ascending the mountain-peaks?

It’s a pity, O hermit, O dervish,
you are looking for the jewel of heart
from country to country
holding it into your bosom!
The whole creation stares at you
while you are keeping your eyes shut;
You look for God— actually
you are looking for your ownself.
O will-blind man!
Open your eyes and look at your image
in the mirror, you will see
His shadow has fallen on your entire body.

Don’t shudder,
don’t get frightened of the scholars of scriptures,
o hero—
surely they are not God’s private secretaries!
He is revealed among all. He is in all.
Seeing myself, I can recognize my unseen creator!

The merchants deal in jewels on the sea-shore—
Never ask them about the jewel-mine.
They are merely the traders ofjewels
but they pretend they know the jewel-mine!
They have not dived
into the unfathomable depth
of the jewel-bearing sea.
O friend, instead of delving into scriptures,
dive into the water ofTruth-sea.

01.03.2016 Sirajganj

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