Reading Time: < 1 minute


ADVANCE-come forth from thy Tyrolean ground,
Dear Liberty! stern Nymph of soul untamed;
Sweet Nymph, O rightly of the mountains named!
Through the long chain of Alps from mound to mound
And o’er the eternal snows, like Echo, bound;
Like Echo, when the hunter train at dawn
Have roused her from her sleep: and forest-lawn,
Cliffs, woods and caves, her viewless steps resound
And babble of her pastime!-On, dread Power!
With such invisible motion speed thy flight,
Through hanging clouds, from craggy height to height,
Through the green vales and through the herdsman’s bower-
That all the Alps may gladden in thy might,
Here, there, and in all places at one hour.

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Address To My Infant Daughter, Dora On Being Reminded That She Was A Month Old That Day, September 1
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Alas! What Boots The Long Laborious Quest