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I’m just an ordinary chap
Who comes home to his tea,
And mostly I don’t care a rap
What people think of me;
I do my job and take my pay,
And love of peace expound;
But as I go my patient way,
–Don’t push me round.

Though I respect authority
And order never flout,
When Law and Justice disagree
You can include me out.
The Welfare State I tolerate
If it is kept in bound,
But if you wish to rouse my hate
–Just push me round.

And that’s the way with lots of us:
We want to feel we’re free;
So labour governments we cuss
And mock at monarchy.
Yea, we are men of secret mirth,
And fury seldom sound;
But if you value peace on earth
–Don’t push us round.

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The Song Of The Mouth-Organ