Reading Time: < 1 minute


In the desert’s sandy vastness blossomed a bright flower
whose fragrance enamoured the universe.

The moon and tile sun,
the planets and the stars,
all wanted to possess it
The limitless sky bent low
in order to kiss it.
The brightness of that flower
Lit up God’s throne.
Wrapping around her its many splendoured hue
the earth grew radiant.
Into the garden of that flower
flew a million birds a
and to clasp it in their breasts
yearned the leaves and the branches
of a thousand trees.

Men, angels, fairies – all craved it.
Saints, emperors and the penniless poor
all wanted to weave a garland
and wear it around their neck.
The nightingale and the bee knew
where to find that flower.
Some called it Hazrat Mohammad,
some simply ‘Kamliwallah’!

[Original: Saharate Futlo Re; Translation: Kabir Chowdhury]

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In My Breast, The Picture Of Kaaba
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Irrepressible Youth