Reading Time: < 1 minute


In my breast, the picture of Kaaba.
In my eyes, Muhammad the Prophet.
O’er my head, the Arsh of God,
Whose song I sing on the path truly trod!
Majnun was mad for Laili’s sake.
I am mad for the sake of ‘La-Ilah’!
The Lovers and Saints know me well
But the unenlightened call me deranged!
In my heart lies the garden of bliss
Where the nightingale always sings,

It’s the Mercy of God they want to have,
But the Love of God I crave!

In the Mosque of my mind,
A thousand Muazzins cry Azan.
In my mind’s tablet is writ the Quran
Which my soul reads day and night.

The Lady of Paradise my Mother dear,
Hasan and Huseyn my tear.
No terror to me is the Day of Judgment
Or the difficult Pul-sirat!

[Original in Bangla: Bokhkhe amar kaabar chhobi; Translation: Mizanur Rahman]

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I Tame My Eyes
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In Salutation Of One God