Reading Time: < 1 minute


I shall become a flower
in the flower vase of your heart.
I shall dry my essence, if I have to,
stopping for a moment there.

I shall become, light of that eye,
a birth-blotch on your cheek,
a necklace of pearls
I shall roll day and night
around your neck.

I shall be beauty of your limbs
and incense in wedding night,
dreams in deep slumber,
and water on eyelids.

I shall be queen
on your love’s throne, O my king ,
and dust under your feet,
O my life’s lord.

The flower that blooms
and, drops down in silence
does leave its odour
in heart’s secret chamber.

[Original: Tomar buker fuldanite; Translation: Mohammad Nurul Huda]

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If I Was Daddy, And Daddy Was Me